Snippets from Science

Monday, July 30, 2007

What Not to Do

Dear potential NYC tourists:

If you've never been to Manhattan, take this advice. Trust me. It's dead on.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pics 'n at

Five years ago, the thought of someday having a child was pretty much not an option for me. I don't have any experience with children. Most children I see on the subway are ill-behaved, and that annoys me. I only babysat once in my entire life, and it was a disaster: the kid was ill, I wasn't sure what to do, and the parents never called me back. Awesome.

However, since the birth of my nephew, I've noticed a change in myself. Now, I'm not saying that I'm ready to saddle up to the delivery table anytime soon, but the thought of one day having a child doesn't seem so awful anymore. Of course, one cannot compare a weekend of feeding/changing/hauling around a baby to an entire LIFETIME of care, but it doesn't seem so ridiculously impossible anymore. Perhaps the old biological clock has formed. Dear God.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lesbians, Strollers, and Coffee shops- here I come

As I said in a previous post, Park Slope sometimes gets a bad rap for being home to ex-mats (my own word; re: ex-Manhattanites). Child-bearers, lesbians, everything in between make up the population of this community. And you know what? I like it. Yes, some residents are a BIT too earthy for me (what, with the co-op and all), but it's a beautiful neighborhood right on Prospect Park, with tons of restaurants, bars, cafes, and brownstones. After many a viewing, I finally got an apartment last night.

The location is boss- right on the main drag of 5th Ave- and a 5 minute walk to bocce. I've never minded commuting out to the Slope for bocce, but I have to be honest- walking home in 5 minutes vs. taking the train home in an hour is something to look forward to. I can finally get my bike, since Prospect Park is a mere 3 blocks away, and the apartment is smack dab in the middle of the R and F. Both local (shit), but both trasferable to express (not shit).

One of the best parts about my move is Robert's future Brooklyn adventures. He LOVES coming all the way out to Brooklyn, and now, he has an even better reason- me! (And lesbian bars. He loves those.) And who knows- maybe we'll even run into Steve Buscemi.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I don't even..I just..I...

I don't know if it's possible for me to love this guy any more than I already do, but Corporate Casual (aka, this dude) does it again. Zing!


I've decided to apply for an audition with the Army Field Band Soldier's Chorus. I'm not getting on my high horse here, but I'm assuming that means I'll be granted an audition for the Chorus. Why the Army, you ask? I'll tell you why. I love New York. I love living here. I love being immersed in everything- the culture, the way of life, the diversity, the food, the drink, the fun- there is no other place like New York. What I don't love is the cost of living. What I don't love is working a job that pays just enough for me to not starve, but leaves very little wiggle room. I'm 27, and I don't have any idea how I would ever purchase a house or be financially secure when I retire. That's not good.

So, in order to achieve my goal of moving to Germany in several years, I decided to look at the Soldier's Chorus as an option. Here's the basic rundown: 3 years of service, student loan debt absolved, possible generous signing bonus, good pay which would allow me to save money, housing stipend, food stipend, no combat, no moving around, oh, and getting paid to sing.

New York is a wonderful place, full of opportunity, but it's next to impossible to maintain a career here without doing something else to supplement one's income. I don't want to sit behind a desk for the next 25 years. I don't want to be an administrative assistant for the next 25 years. I have worked too hard and spent too much money to settle. So, Germany is on the horizon. However, spending time in Europe is not cheap. Having all of my student loan debt paid off, and money in the bank, is ideal. With the Army gig, I could do that.

Annnnnnnnnywayyyyyyyyyyyy, there are a lot of "ifs" floating around this audition, but just to gain a piece of mind, I've been reading a lot about basic training; in particular, the gas chamber. It looks like this:

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Yikes. Nine weeks of hell, I mean boot camp, is daunting, but when I think about the financial freedom that accompanies the insanity, it seems kind of worth it. Of course, putting up with bullshit like this would be a HUGE test, but I'm pretty sure that's what basic training is- a giant exam.

So, check back in a few months to see if my tune has changed. But right now, I keep humming The Army Goes Rolling Along.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I knew it

Bucket and I have been on the caturday beat for a lonnnnnnnng time, but here's proof that it's a phenomenon.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm switching boroughs. Since I spend a lot of time in Brooklyn, I think it makes sense for me to live there. In particular, Park Slope. Park Slope gets a lot of shit for being yuppy, baby-filled, and expensive. All of those things are true. But, I still want to live there. You may recall my Monday night ritual of playing bocce ball- in Park Slope. I've grown to really love the neighborhood, and I feel a sense of community there that is hard for me to feel in Astoria. So, onward and upward, I say.
Looking for an apartment in New York is stupid and ridiculous. Robert, Amanda, and I didn't find our place in Queens until 2 weeks before we relocated. I have no idea why real estate continues to be as cut throat and crazy as it is, but it ain't changin' anytime soon, despite everyone's hatred of the system. I've been looking at apartments for a few weeks (3 bedrooms, as I will be moving in with your favorite Scot and mine and another friend), and I am more than a little frustrated. First of all, 3 bedroom apartments in Park Slope/Prospect Heights are really hard to find- espeically in our price range. I've seen 5 apartments so far, only one of them being a possibility, and all were gone a day after I viewed them. I've had brokers call me the day I'm supposed to view a place, telling me it's already gone- even though it's only been advertised for 5 hours. Ugh. I know that's the way the market works, but damn! Should I start bringing a knife to these open houses? I'm not afraid to take someone out for a nice apartment. KIDDING. Kidding. Sort of.

So now that the recital is done (it went well, by the way),I can focus on finding a place to live. That is, after I get out of work at 6:30 every night this week, go home to visit my family this weekend, and somehow start packing. I need a personal assistant.

Monday, July 09, 2007

BK represent

Tonight, after bocce ball, my teammates and I elected to have pizza for dinner. There are several good pizza spots in Park Slope (the neighborhood where I play), but no- we decided to go to L&B in Gravesend instead. This place is no joke. They have been featured on the Food Network several times, for best pizza (sicilian!), and best pasta. It's a huge restaurant, with more of a beer garden than a pizza parlor feel. The pie was off the chain, and the next time I go, I have to save room for spumoni.

Now, for those of you not familiar with Brooklyn, I've attached a map. I play bocce in Park Slope. L&B is in Gravesend.

Now let's take a look at a subway map. (I really do find this all very interesting, and I love going to new neighborhoods.) I got on the N train at Ave. U in Brooklyn (the yellow line), and got off at Broadway, which is in Queens. Doesn't look like it's all THAT far apart, but it does take about an hour and 20 minutes.

Worth it? Come one! Fuggetaboutit.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


MAN, I love this dude's blog.

I had cheezburger yesturdai

To start off the day, how about some caturday?!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

You're so gangsta

Thursday night, I'm going to see Chromeo (for free!) and I can hardly wait. This Canadian duo produces the perfect electropop soundtrack for the summer, and I'm gonna shake my booty all over the Hiro Ballroom.

You can see for yourself:

Monday, July 02, 2007


Well, at MOST jobs.

Just be sure if you watch it at "work" that your sound is down and your screen a bit private.


One more

Just because I love this video.

Still Ill

Oh Morrissey. You don't tour very often. I've only seen you once, and that was 10 years ago, in a very bizarre ballroom in Glen Burnie, MD. But, you had "throat problems" this weekend, so you were forced to postpone your Philly and New York shows. Had I purchased a ticket, I would have been pissed. But, since I've seen you once, I won't pay $50 to see you again. There is a handful of bands I would pay $50 to see- the Beastie Boys, U2, and Radiohead, and I saw Radiohead on the Bends tour yeeeeeeeeears ago.

Anyway, I went to what would have been a Moz after party to see The Sons and Heirs, a New York-based Smiths/Morrissey tribute band. Now, usually tribute/cover bands are, well, not good. But these dudes? Amazing. They dress like the Smiths, and "Ronnissey" has Moz's moves DOWN. Check em out:

And, if you don't know who the Smiths are, here's the real deal: