Snippets from Science

Friday, December 09, 2005

Right on, David Sedaris

I'd like to include an excerpt from ME TALK PRETTY ONE DAY, by David Sedaris. If you don't know him, get to. The man is a genius.

This particular snippet is taken from a chapter where a childhood friend comes to visit David in NYC, and brings along a guest. This guest is from North Carolina, and has never been to New York before.

" "I expect to be treated like everybody else is what I expect [she was appalled at her taxi fare]. I expect to be treated like an American.'
That was the root of the problem right there. Visiting Americans will find more warmth in Tehran than they will in New York City, a city founded on the principle of Us versus Them. I don't speak Latin but have always assumed that the city motto translates to either Go Home or We Don't Like You, Either. Like me, most of the people I knew had moved to New York with the express purpose of escaping Americans such as Bonnie [yes and yes]. Fear had worked in our favor until a new mayor began promoting the city as a family theme park. His campaign bad worked, and now the Bonnies were arriving in droves, demanding the same hospitality they'r received last month in Orlando."


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