Pew Shaking
My sister and I have serious problems composing ourselves. We laugh at A LOT of things...some of which are funny, some of which are not. To us, most things can be absolutely hilarious. We like to laugh, and we spades. Once we get started, we can't stop. One just leads the other on, until we are both doing the "silent laugh", snorting, crying, and unable to stand. I have lost control of my legs several times in fits of laughter. The problem is, we laugh at A) inappropriate times B) during silences and C) when no one else is laughing. Oh, and we laugh at bodily functions. We are 4.
A few examples:
A few years ago, on a Sunday in Advent, Ashley and I attempted to harmonize "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", only we were about 1/2 step off. Now, normally, if I were harmonizing by myself, I would fix the mistake and continue singing. But, since we were a force, we immediately LOST IT and starting laughing uncontrolably. Even after the hymn was over, and we were sitting in the pew, we were still laughing. And crying. And pissing off our parents. The entire pew was shaking.
Another time, in church once again, I drifted off to sleep momentarily during prayers. I must have had a late night the night before..I dont really remember. But, when everyone started reciting the Lords Prayer, I awoke, speaking in what sounded like babble/tongues. Ashley hits my arm and says "WHAT are you doing?!" Well, cause for pew shaking number 2..only this time, our brother was also laughing. Man...that was bad.
We've also laughed during funeral services, due to HORRIBLE organ playing, TERRIBLE singing, and people who don't blow their noses. Awful, I know. We are simply awful.
Last night, during the Army Field Band's Holiday concert, we had several incredible fits of laughter due to A)story telling on stage, B) instruments being dropped, and C) crazy soloists. Our cousin and his wife were sitting next to us, and we are afraid that they were mad b/c of all the tomfoolery going on. Oh well- it's best they know now not to sit with us at any funerals, weddings, concerts, or other events that may produce unfunny yet hysterical happenings.
A few examples:
A few years ago, on a Sunday in Advent, Ashley and I attempted to harmonize "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", only we were about 1/2 step off. Now, normally, if I were harmonizing by myself, I would fix the mistake and continue singing. But, since we were a force, we immediately LOST IT and starting laughing uncontrolably. Even after the hymn was over, and we were sitting in the pew, we were still laughing. And crying. And pissing off our parents. The entire pew was shaking.
Another time, in church once again, I drifted off to sleep momentarily during prayers. I must have had a late night the night before..I dont really remember. But, when everyone started reciting the Lords Prayer, I awoke, speaking in what sounded like babble/tongues. Ashley hits my arm and says "WHAT are you doing?!" Well, cause for pew shaking number 2..only this time, our brother was also laughing. Man...that was bad.
We've also laughed during funeral services, due to HORRIBLE organ playing, TERRIBLE singing, and people who don't blow their noses. Awful, I know. We are simply awful.
Last night, during the Army Field Band's Holiday concert, we had several incredible fits of laughter due to A)story telling on stage, B) instruments being dropped, and C) crazy soloists. Our cousin and his wife were sitting next to us, and we are afraid that they were mad b/c of all the tomfoolery going on. Oh well- it's best they know now not to sit with us at any funerals, weddings, concerts, or other events that may produce unfunny yet hysterical happenings.
yes, but have you ever laughed in the middle of singing? once i was singing on xmas eve in church and totalllly lost my place in the song so i started singing gibberish. then it was all over.
Robert, at 10:00 AM
Yes, I have done that before. In the middle of choir concerts. Terrible.
Hilary, at 10:19 AM
it's obvious that you and your sister are going to hell.
chiquita yellow gold, at 10:26 AM
as long as you don't pee your pants, I think, you'll probably just end up in purgatory.
Jessica, at 10:42 AM
One of my favourite memories is laughing so hard I couldn't stand up straight at some kind of monsterous choir researsal for something or another. That crazy conducter in wheeling was doing something funny with her eyes and I just started laughing hysterically. Sean McKillop was in front of me (wierd set up, right?) and he started laughing too. We were ducked down behind the people in front of us laughing so hard the bleachers were making noise.
I hope the big guy upstairs appreciates laughter.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM
yes, but have you ever lit your bulletin on fire, sitting right in front of the entire church at christmas eve, and laughed the rest of the service?
Ratface, at 6:59 AM
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