Snippets from Science

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

All aboard the idiot train

My plan for an afternoon off proved to be more difficult than I originally thought. Apparently, Kharma decided to stick it to me, and eff up my intentions for banking and shoe shopping.
I had a temporary brain lapse while traveling on the subway, after leaving work. I got on the wrong train (i.e. going in the wrong direction) not once, not twice, but three times. How does this happen? Did I just forget that 23 comes AFTER 14? I think part of it is, I'm getting used to my path. I'm used to the number of stops before I need to get off and switch trains. I don't have to look up or listen- I can just feel it. Autopilot kicks in, and common sense disappears.
So instead of depositing my check, GETTING my damn checks from the bank, and finding some new cute shoes, I walked about 1.5 miles out of my way, and rode the subway for over an hour straight. Brilliant.


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