Snippets from Science

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You done with that machine? *wink wink*

New York is full of beautiful people. Men, women, children, even pretty dogs. It's difficult to walk down the street and not see someone attractive. I like to think that chance of locking eyes with Tyson Beckford is what keeps me from leaving the house in unflattering pants and a sweatshirt. Except when I'm doing laundry- then I really don't care.
For the past two years, I was working out at the DAC. I liked the DAC because it was mostly gay men. No pressure! I don't think anyone actually checks me out when I'm on the treadmill, so I've never been too concerned with my gym appearance. With the exception of Dan, hot Asian trainer, and some other random hot straight guy that would come to Gay Abs sometimes, I really didn't even notice guys at the DAC. Makes for a pretty easy workout environment.
But now that I'm here, and work out at New York Sports Clubs, the pressure is on. Lots of pretty people- everywhere I look. And most of them aren't gay! Yikes!
I'm still not too concerned with my gym appearance; if a guy is gonna pick me up at the gym, I figure he's seeing me at my most sweaty. I just have to make sure I have good breath, and matching outfits.


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