Snippets from Science

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Too early for Easter Countdown?

Yeah, I think it is. However, since I gave up sweets and desserts for Lent, I can't help but dream about my number one favorite Easter treat:

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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I LOVE me some Cadbury Cream Eggs. As a kid, we would each get 2 in our Easter baskets. I usually ate one of them immediately, and saved the other one for a few days later. Last year, since we moved to New York the week before Easter, I had no Easter basket. Robert and I went back to Balto to sing at St. David's for Easter morning, and spent the night before scouring the entire city- and Towson- looking for Cadbury Cream Eggs. How many did we find? Zero. Zip. Zilch. NOT AN EGG in sight. Boy was I ever irritated. It was, of course, my own fault. If had planned ahead, I could have dropped into any Duane Reade and picked myself up a 3-pack.

So, this year, I will stock up circa Palm Sunday. The hard part will be not eating all 3 at once on Easter Sunday. And stay tuned for more Easter fun!

Now back to repentance.


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