Well, true to form, I feared for my life this morning on my drive through picturesque East Balto. This morning was particularly eventful, as the driver behind me almost killed heself, and others. You see, she is obviously VERY important because she was tailgating me as if her life depended on it. (If you will recall, tailgating is my #1 driving pet peeve.) She was basically on my bumper, until she decided to pass me...on a 2 lane road. Yes, traffic coming in the opposite direction. She crossed over the yellow line, crazily whizzing past me, and was nearly hit by the oncoming traffic. It's a good thing she passed me, though. She made it to the red light a whole 2 seconds faster.
yes, i did make it to that red light 2 seconds faster. and i beat yo' slow ass.
Robert, at 5:59 AM
Funny, you dont look like a ghetto bitch in your picture...
Anonymous, at 6:44 AM
That anonymous comment was me...wonder why it showed up anon?
Hilary, at 6:45 AM
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