Snippets from Science

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Bach has been Rocked

Well a big thank you to all of you who came to the Rock Out with your Bach Out recital...ohhhhhh wait. I don't think anyone reading this actually came. You're all lousey.
But seriously folks, it actually went really well, and we had a great turnout. I guess people heard that the Glitterati of Baltimore would be performing the Coffee Cantata and had to see what all the buzz was about. We rocked it...Ashley "Fingers" Ryon lit up the oboe, Robert "Honeybear" Maril was the meanest daddy ever, and yours truely managed to sing her arias (although the ENTIRE thing sits in my vocal break) without laryngal rise! WOOOOOT!
After the recital, I had dinner with my mom and Ashley, and returned to the church to find "Just Married" Redi-Whipped on the back window of my car. I don't know what's worse- the fact that now I have to wash my car, or the fact that "Just Married" is SOOOOOO far off from my actual love life that it's just sad. Or could it be that it's so far off that it has actually done a 359 degree turn and come full circle around to be so close to the truth. (This will only make sense to Robert.) Surprisingly, I wasn't pissed about the whipped cream at all- I thought it was pretty hilarious. Incidentally, I forgot about it and was reminded by the white streaks coating my back window this AM. Guess I should wash my car.


  • ...or is it SOOOO BRILLIANT that it's come 359 degrees and it just LOOKS stupid? wait that isn't how it goes.

    By Blogger Robert, at 6:35 AM  

  • i had laryngal rise in mol bio on friday - i couldn't stand up for 10 minutes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:55 AM  

  • Har har. Terry you're a laugh riot.

    By Blogger Hilary, at 7:38 AM  

  • hil, i think you should marry jay. or terry.

    By Blogger chiquita yellow gold, at 4:24 PM  

  • Ooo! I would love to marry Terry (sorry Jay- you live too far away.) But I don't think Terry likes me like that.

    By Blogger Hilary, at 5:03 PM  

  • you know how i love the vag.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:32 PM  

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