Snippets from Science

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mystic Tan

One would think, by looking at my current skin tone, that I just got back from Aruba. But indeed, unless Aruba is in Timonium, I didn't go on vacation. But I DID get a free mystic tan today, courtesy of one Andrea "Jennifer" Wiltzius. Robert and I made the trip the the 'burbs to become standing-boothe bathing beauties.
Normally, I am a pastey white lady, with a creamy skin tone that takes weeks of every day sunbathing to bronze. But thanks to the spray-on benefits of the vapourized Mystic Tan, I have completed the transformation from chalky to goldy in minutes. And it looks good with my hair!
I think it should only last for about 3 days...perfect since they will think I changed ethnicities at rehearsal tomorrow. But it makes me excited for the summer, and for the beach. Jersey shore, here I come!


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