Snippets from Science

Friday, June 08, 2007

G'day mate inDEED

I'm an old woman. How is it that I can go from 7 AM- 10PM on (sometimes) a daily basis in New York, and not even blink, but I've been struggling with the stupid 3 hour time difference ever since my plane landed. By the time I'm completely adjusted, it will be time to go back to New York.

Anyway, last night Ashley and I saw the Thunder from Down Under show, and I must say, it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Entertaining? Totally. We got free tickets, as it is a bit pricey, but I'd pay money to see that again. This dude was my favorite, and easliy the hottest man I've ever seen in real life. Apparently, his favorite place to hang out in Vegas is Home Depot. If by Home Depot, he means the gay bar, then fine. Whatever. The point is, he's ridiculous, and I got to touch him.

The highlight of the show was when this dude pulled me on stage for a lap dance. I was bright red the whole time, my sister was laughing hysterically in the audience, AND my dress *Ahem* "malfunctioned" as he was doing pelvic thrusts into my chest. Par for the classy course.

More later.


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