Snippets from Science

Friday, December 15, 2006

Boot scootin' boogie

Remember these?
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Merry Christmas to me. I've finally had it with my black boots. They've been landing me on shakey ground for months now, giving me ankle/foot pain, and generally being a pain in the ass. Why do I keep wearing them? Because my beloved black pumps bit the dust last month, my other black pumps are too high to wear to work every day, and these boots are pretty much the only (at one time) comfortable black dress shoe I have. So, I bought a new pair. See above. Only in black.

They are slated to arrive today. They couldn't arrive here fast enough, as I totally ate it today on the way to work. Thank God I didn't break my ankle; more importantly, thank God no one saw me fall. So, next up on the Merry Christmas to me, I've already spent too much money list- a new Ipod. Why does everything have to go to hell at once?


  • you fell? ahahah
    i wore my platform red glitter shoes to work. and tripped 3 times. thank god no one saw me. or they did-and that's why i got fired.

    By Blogger Ratface, at 12:48 AM  

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