Snippets from Science

Monday, August 14, 2006


After a drunken, gluttonous weekend in Philadelphia, I have decided that now ends my "I can eat whatever I want since I walk more and work out a lot" phase. Those 5 lbs I've gained since moving here are about to come off, and then some. Seriously- what am I thinking? A) I worked really hard and spent too much money losing a lot of weight the first time around. B) I know myself- I'm not the type that can eat whatever she wants and not gain an ounce. C) I always gain weight in the summer, because I take a vacation from my better judgement.
So, the million beers I drank on Saturday, accompanied by the oh-soooo-good grilled cheese and fries I had yesterday was the end of the line. I want to feel really good about being healthy again. I'm back on the trizaine.


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