Snippets from Science

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I almost...

...thought chivalry was dead in New York City. In fact, I'm still not totally convinced that it's alive, but I was touched this morning when a 20 something business guy gave up his seat for a little girl and her mom. And he didn't make a face about it, scowl, or act irritated. He just did what was polite.
I cannot say that for probably 98% of the rest of the population. I actually witnessed a woman getting trampled yesterday as she as exiting the subway. That was after I gave up my seat for an older woman, while the girl sitting next to me couldn't be bothered, as she had pushed tooth and nail to sit down. "What is wrong with people?" I mouthed. The woman standing in front of me, who read my mind, just laughed.

Turns out transportation issues don't disappear when you move- they just change.


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