Snippets from Science

Friday, March 17, 2006

Life According to Me

I'm the second-youngest person in my office. The youngest is a guy (who I'm still convinced doesn't like me for whatever reason), who is 2 years my junior, and quiet as a mouse. Apparently, he and his girlfriend are moving in together in several months, so they are are apartment hunting this weekend. 23 and living with someone? Wow. Big step. I know a lot of my friends have lived with significant others; my own brother lived with his wife before they were ever engaged. But for me, I don't see that happening.
Maybe I'm selfish; maybe I just don't want to share my space until I know it's absolutely the right time. Or maybe I've seen one too many relationships end while in the middle of a lease. "Just because you're engaged doesn't mean you won't break up." I guess there is a bit of truth to that statement. But I like to think that when I become engaged to that lucky sonofabitch, it's for keeps. I'd like to think that when I say "yes" to being someone's wife, I've thought about it and thought about and thought about it, and know that I can live with that person day in and day out, despite him leaving the toilet seat up. I don't need a lease to tell me that.
In disucussing this life-altering move (for guy in my office), my co-worker told me about her wedding. She apparently had 300 people (holy shit), open bar and served dinner, and went to the Grand Cayman Islands for her honeymoon (which was a gift from her then-boss). Fancy. She then asked me what I wanted my (God-willing) wedding to be like. And yes, I'm an almost-26-year-old-woman, so I've thought about it. As of now, I told her, this is what I want: 100 guests or less, ceremony in a gorgeous cathedral-like church, but not too big b/c with 100 guests it will look empty, men and boys choir (OK, this may be difficult, but it would be nice, no?), brass quintet, flowers a-plenty, reception at a gorgeous restaurant or hotel, live jazz, sit-down served dinner, and (of course) an absolutely amazing cake. Followed by a honeymoon in the south of France.
Doable, no?


  • Totally doable.

    Have you mentioned this to your parents, if they plan on paying for it?

    If not, hope you meet a nice rich man. Cooper, perhaps.

    Also, I so BETTER be invited, or else. ;)

    I just know that when it happens for you, it will be amazing, and you will be so glad that you did not compromise.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:53 AM  

  • I totally agree about the moving in. My first move-in will be after 2.5 years and a ring (God willing, also a mortgage and not a lease...commitment=commitment...My best friend is about to break up with her THIRD live-in boyfriend.

    By Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress, at 8:48 AM  

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