Snippets from Science

Thursday, March 09, 2006

House Hunters

There are many places I would like to live. Cross New York off the list; unless I hit it HUGE and marry rich, I don't think I can afford property in the Big Apple. Some of the cities I can see myself conquering (or dream of conquering) include London, somewhere between Providence, RI and Boston, Austin, Portland, Paris...or Marseilles, Vienna, OK so pretty much anywhere in Europe, and maybe even Baltimore again- once that huge revamp of the city takes place.
Of course, I will most likely not live in all of these places...or even half of them...or even more than 2 or 3...but I like to fantasize. I look forward to watching House Hunters every Thursday night because I LOVE looking at homes. I think the main reason I spearheaded apartment hunting in NYC is because, again, I love checking out living spaces. Whenever I go for a run through my pretty neigborhood, I look at the gorgeous homes and imagine what they look like on the inside. Nice color palette? Is the kitchen new? How about a master suite...hardwood floors or carpeting? Honestly, these are questions I ask myself. Then I imagine what the house would look like if it were mine. Lots of color, eclectic, antiques, gorgeous kitchen and bathrooms, and comfortable furniture with plush bedding. Yeah..I'm a girl.
But all the day dreaming/checking out homes on the internet/watching HGTV leads me to wonder when I really will be a home owner. A lot of people with whom I graduated high school are home owners...but then again, most of them are married. Even friends from grad school are hunting for homes, or buying cars, or doing other adult things. Not that up and moving to the biggest, most competitive city in this nation isn't adult, but it doesn't exactly compare with 2.5 acres and a stainless steel fridge.
Ideally, I would be married before buying my first piece of property. I don't exactly have money laying around to invest. So, I guess my home ownership would also depend on my future husband's states of affair. Is he a New Yorker? Does he want to leave the city? Does he already own a 3 bedroom townhouse in Park Slope? (call me!)
That, I don't know. But I will now go from oogling houses in Roland Park to oogling Penthouses on Park Ave.


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