Snippets from Science

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Whoooo HOOOOOOooooooO!!!

I'm not one for getting vocal during workouts. The most you'll ever get outta me is a grunt of discomfort. But this morning in Body Pump, it was like a cheerleading gym. "Woooo!" "OH Yeah!!!" "Woot! Woot!" The music is already loud, and the teacher throws his 2 cents in every few seconds with "MMM Yeah", or "Lookin good people", and "YEah..that's it. Stay with me". Come to think of it, he sounds like my last date. HEYYYOOOO!!!! Jaykayjaykayjaykay.

My point is, keep the hooting to a minimum. It's enough that I rolled outta bed and into a weight lifting class in the first place. Let's not push it.


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