Snippets from Science

Friday, July 14, 2006

Making Strides

Well folks, I completed my first 5 mile run last night, and you know what? I'm not dead! I participated in the Nike/Ipod run with my friend Alison and some of her fellow serious runners. At first, I thought it was only going to be 3 miles, which is fine because I can do that. But then, as we were stretching, the run pacers reminded us to "take it easy because it's really hot and 5 miles is not a short distance". Uhhhh what? 5? Um, probably not. Alison assured me that she would keep my pace and that I could totally do it. "Sure", I said. "I could totally do it if I had ever RUN 5 consecutive miles before. This is cold turkey!" But she was confident in me. Good thing, too...cause if she hadn't been there with me for the whole thing, I doubt I would have finished. I would have reached the 3 mile mark and said, "K. This is where I stop." But I didn't; and that is empowering. Of course, after the race I was pretty nauceous and pretty much felt like shit after that post-run high wore off, but them's the breaks. Now that I know I can do a 5 miler, I think I'll try a 7 next. That is, when it's not 100 degrees outside.
So Jonathan- maybe I will do the Philly half with you in September!


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