Snippets from Science

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Freakin' Heck

I'm falling apart. Something always hurts- this must be what getting older is like. Sucko!
At any rate, I have TMJ. Therefore, I have to wear a night guard when I sleep so I don't ruin my teeth/have migraines/go insane. $300.00 (not covered by insurance) later, the grinding and migraines have ceased, but now I am having a problem with my tongue. It seems that I am thrusting my tongue against the the back of my top row of teeth, rubbing against the night guard. In addition to the sores that have formed on the tip of my tongue, I also chew the sides of my tongue. That, I believe, is related to stress. So how do I remain stress-free enough not to wake up with a mouth full of blood? Good question. My sister suggested that I have a peptalk with myself. Right before I'm ready to go to sleep, I will tell myself not to chew or thrust my tongue. Because it hurts. And makes eating difficult. On the other hand, maybe this is the newest weightloss plan! Develop sores in your mouth so you can't eat anything salty, spicey, or hot! What a great idea.


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