Snippets from Science

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Science Can be Cool

I just talked to one of the technicians in my lab, and found out that he is leaving for California, to attend Med School at Stanford. Now that's pretty badass. This is someone who I see every day, who wears jeans and teeshirts, who sat across from me at the crab feast, who listens to my jokes about his name (as he is one of the many Dans I know.) He said that he sat in on brain surgery this morning, and that now he knows he wants to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. Bad. Ass.
When I think about all the incredibly smart and talented people I know, it blows my mind. From Hanover, to WVU, to Peabody, to my desk job here at Hopkins. I'm glad I choose to surround myself with intelligent people. I'm reminded just how awesome my friends/acquaintances are when I go to a 7 Eleven in downtown Baltimore.


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