Singles Bar
"How are you supposed to meet anyone in this town?", Robert asked me last night. "Good question", I said. "The only way you can meet someone worthwhile is through friends, or through co-workers. That's about it."
Robert and I are both faithful Friendsters, as are most of our other friends, and we SAY that Friendster is a good way to network. You can meet up with old friends/classmates, and see what's new. And I must say, I have re-connected with some former colleagues. But for the most part, Friendster is nothing more than a free singles site. Sure, some people have "relationship" status checked, but the rest of us are cruising- simple as that. I have a few good friends who have found cool people to date/make out with/marry via the internet. In fact, most of my gay friends have 100 more friends on their lists than I do because of internet rendez-vous(es?). Robert and Terry receive random Friendster messages often; some from creepy no-way-in-hell guys, and some from cute, totally-a-possibility guys.
So Robert suggested I cruise Friendster, searching out friends-of-friends (i.e. 2 degrees of separation.) Well, I did, and all I came up with were the 7 single guys I know from my former school, none of whom (no offence if any read this!) I have an interest. So much for that.
I think I'll just stick with "Hilary...I have a friend you should meet..." for now.
Robert and I are both faithful Friendsters, as are most of our other friends, and we SAY that Friendster is a good way to network. You can meet up with old friends/classmates, and see what's new. And I must say, I have re-connected with some former colleagues. But for the most part, Friendster is nothing more than a free singles site. Sure, some people have "relationship" status checked, but the rest of us are cruising- simple as that. I have a few good friends who have found cool people to date/make out with/marry via the internet. In fact, most of my gay friends have 100 more friends on their lists than I do because of internet rendez-vous(es?). Robert and Terry receive random Friendster messages often; some from creepy no-way-in-hell guys, and some from cute, totally-a-possibility guys.
So Robert suggested I cruise Friendster, searching out friends-of-friends (i.e. 2 degrees of separation.) Well, I did, and all I came up with were the 7 single guys I know from my former school, none of whom (no offence if any read this!) I have an interest. So much for that.
I think I'll just stick with "Hilary...I have a friend you should meet..." for now.
if friendster fails, i suggest you go to "" and post a fake picture of yourself. or a picture of you in a strap-on.
Robert, at 9:13 AM
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