Snippets from Science

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Pillow Talk

Last night, after a loooong dress rehearsal, my sister spent the night at my place (she has a job interview in Bawlmer this morning.) I was really tired by the time I crawled into bed, but there is something about sleeping in the same room, or bed for that matter, with a sibling, that brings out the slumber party in ya.
My sister and I grew up in an old house that is not equipped with central air. So, my parents have a large window unit in the dining room, and when we were kids, put an air conditioner in my room, and one my brother's. So on really hot nights, my sister slept in my room. We never went to sleep when we were supposed to- we laughed, told jokes, acted stupid- the typical slumber party-type things. But we also came up with our own game, sure to send us into hysterical laughter, called the "Fart Game." The Fart Game, or "F.G." as well called it, was an excuse to make fake bodily function noises, using our arms and hands as instruments. The first one to laugh lost, and it was her turn to put forearm to mouth. We played this game every night, and cried ourselves to sleep laughing- or at least until my mother opened the door and told us to quit it. We eventually introduced the game to my brother, and to this day, we'll play a round of the "F.G." after Thanksgiving dinner or a 4th of July picnic. Pretty gross...but also pretty damn hilarious.
I love the no holds barred relationship I have with my siblings. I love it so much, that I didn't even care when last night, my GASSY sister attempted to Dutch Oven me as we were going to sleep. Well..maybe I cared a little...but I mostly just laughed.


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