If I hear one more person say "Febuary", I'm gonna punch 'em in the throat. The word, people, is FebRuary. There's an R in there. It's not like January. See? Jaunary- one R...February- 2 of 'em! How bout that.
[Middle English Februarie, from Latin Februrius (mnsis), (month) of purification, from februa, expiatory offerings, possibly of Sabine origin.] Usage Note: Although the variant pronunciation (fby-r) is often censured because it doesn't reflect the spelling of the word, it is quite common in educated speech and is generally considered acceptable. The loss of the first r in this pronunciation can be accounted for by the phonological process known as dissimilation, by which similar sounds in a word tend to become less similar. In the case of February, the loss of the first r is also owing to the influence of January, which has only one r.
oh yeah?
Robert, at 11:01 AM
Kiss your voice goodbye, asshole.
Hilary, at 11:38 AM
[Middle English Februarie, from Latin Februrius (mnsis), (month) of purification, from februa, expiatory offerings, possibly of Sabine origin.]
Usage Note: Although the variant pronunciation (fby-r) is often censured because it doesn't reflect the spelling of the word, it is quite common in educated speech and is generally considered acceptable. The loss of the first r in this pronunciation can be accounted for by the phonological process known as dissimilation, by which similar sounds in a word tend to become less similar. In the case of February, the loss of the first r is also owing to the influence of January, which has only one r.
chiquita yellow gold, at 1:48 PM
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